Saturday, July 23, 2011

Do you need a degree to be a cop ?

I am in the army right now.( airborne infantry) I want to pursue a career in law enforcement. I'm getting my bachelor's in criminal justice online. My biggest questions are do I really need that degree. I mean I don't have much free time n if I wouldn't need a degree I will have more time for myself.. since that time is very limited in the first place haha. I mean don't get me wrong if this degree will pay off than I have no problem dedicating myself n getting it done. Also what are other things that I could do that would give me a better chance of getting right into the academy, and set me up for a successful career. I would really appreciate some help Haha thank you.

What's a good acoustic guitar?

I've learned bar chords and my fingers don't hurt when I play anymore. But I don't have a good acoustic guitar. What's a good guitar not above $1000. Thanks

Gee, I wonder what this means.?

Why the heck did you palpitate the communism? Couldn't you have just rendered the cherry flavored soldering iron unconscious? There's no sense in dragging the guilt meter full of piss down the road of 24 karat laughing gas. I mean, go get the lonely stoner and stamp out the flowers of doom inside the burnt Jamaican. Heck, just let the beer graduate from high school. There's no sense in charming the grandfather snakes because the rattle clocks will masturbate with a rubber hyena.

A Good Drum Machine to use?

For a small price/ free? I want something that can create a convincing acoustic sound, particularly suitable for rock/ metal (obviously in most cases a standard acoustic one would do). I have Cubase LE4 on my computer, and don't expect there to be any cheap to use Steiburg drum machines compatible with an old reduced version of Cubase but let me know otherwise if there is! In anycase, a stand alone, cehap/ free drum machine that I can easily put into Cubase LE4 later as audio files would be good!

What dog mostly resembles a Hyena?

Well in my opinion, I would have to say German Shepards. I mean, they dont exactly look like hyenas but i think its pretty close. Hope I helped. and p.s. i like hyenas too! :P Lol :)

Need help for bio online. give me the answers quick.?

The kind of help you might think you need wouldn't be helpful. Doing some research and thinking for yourself would be far more beneficial. After all, even if I simply fed you some answers how would you know whether I was lying or mistaken?

What are my chances with getting on with the 82nd airborne?

I enlisted into the army as a infantryman. I did not get a airborne contract but enlisted members are telling me that when I complete my basics then to ask for a airborne contract and I should get it because my MOS is 11x is this true? With delayed entry airborne contracts were rare. I've always wanted to go airborne. As far as PT standards go I am pretty fit as far as the push ups and sit ups and 2 miles go. I scrored a 86 on my ASVAB and a 106 for my GT score. Do you think I could get into the airborne preferably the 82nd.

Should I buy another pet?

i love pets. i cant have a dog or a cat in the house but i had rabbits before. they died coz they got sick with some airborne mites from stray dogs in the neighborhood. since its summer and i'm always alone in the house, i thought of having a guinea pig. but i'm hesitant that i might not be able to take care of it as often when classes start again...


Listen to Joan Jett nonstop for a while. Why? Joan Jett is god, therefor, she is the answer to all your problems.

Would it be possible to double major in biology and zoology?

Is it even worth it? My goal is to becoem a wildlife biologist. And i like the idea of being able to hone in a little more on the wildlife i want to specialize in (hyenas) and I know i may have to get my graduates in zoology. It's just that i hear biology helps a lot in the field that i am looking. So i am wondering if it is possible due to the idea that perhaps these majors have overlapping courses depending on the university? And how long one thinks it may take me, more or about the same as if i was just getting one major? I am seventeen and am running into a lot of dead ends or end up with more questions. I look forward to hearing your answers

What type of consumer is a hyena, fennec fox,kangaroo rat and a meerkat?

Im doing a project and i need to know what level of consumers these are like primary, secondary etc.

I need help finding a web page where i can read my uncles service records.?

My uncle john served in the 101st airborne. "screaming eagles" during the vietnam war and i would like to look at his records but have no ideal in what to look for. I tried simply searching his name but their are several other people with the same name and one other even served in the army but is not him. Please help.

Video of Damien Rice?

There was a video on YouTube that i saw once where Damien Rice talks about how he is always talking about him self, so he stops talking altogether. Then the video goes into i think an acoustic song by him. I've searched everything, does anyone know which video this is? :/

Why when ever i see animals or wilds live i imagine arab and israel?

like a hyene hunt or attack a big deer, and deer(s) around it just watching. where as they can gore the hyena easily.

Where can i find this guitar online?

for a lil while now ive been looking for the new dean exotica quilt ash acoustic-electric guitar W/Aphex in the trans power purple finish everywhere ive looked only carrys the trans blue finish unless i special order. so i was wondering if anyone knew where i could find that guitar online and please only give me a site if you 100% know that guitar is there thank you

Did i make the right decision ?

Hi, my name is Kevin. I'm 21 yrs old and am airborne infantry in the army. I joined the army about 7 months ago. I went thru osut with no problems. Airborne school same way. When I came home I got to see all my friends and family n now I'm leaving to go to fort Richardson Alaska for 3 years. It sucks because I feel like I will miss so much while I'm gone. My real issue lies within my life goal or dream. I've always wanted to be a police officer. Now originally I wanted to get my bachelor's degree online within these 3 years but now I'm not sure if Il even get the chance to do so. Because of lack of time. I also have other friends that are waiting for there chance to get into the academy. I guess what I really wanna know is am I going to be in any better position than they are when I get out ? Is any of this going to help me ? As far as payscale or getting into the academy or anything at all. Also I want to say that I'm proud of serving my country and wouldn't change that. I'm just wondering if my time In will put me in any better position to pursue my life goals? Any KNOWLEDGEABLE input would really be appreciated. Thank you.

Is it possible to change your job before basic?

i've recently decided to join the Air Force and after taking the DLAB and passing i listed only two jobs on my job list: airborne crypto linguist and ground crypto linguist. i already researched both jobs, i wouldn't have chosen them if i hadn't, but now i'm not so sure that is what i want to do. i'm in the DEP, i don't know when i leave for basic yet and i haven't signed anything final so it is too late to update my job list?

Dear atheists of R&S...?

My life has been one of unlimited Free thought and Investigation without any fear of the consequences,using Reason and common sence to arrive at the Truth,or as close as I could get to the Truth. FreeThinker,Atheist,Agnostic,Non-believe… name doesn't matter...what matters is the fact tthat your Mind isn't fettered by the chains of Religion and Superstitious Fears and therefore you have the very Important ability to Reason! Most of your Intolerance and Bigotry originates from Religion......hey,the Bible Supports the Evil of Slavery,and that alone is enough reason to reject it.

Need help with percussion for band?

Hey guys, me and a couple of friends are writing and playing songs with a sort of indie acoustic sound, we need to add percussion to the mix, but we don't want to add a full kit, because 1 - it wouldn't compliment the sound and 2 - we don't have a drummer, or at least one that isn't already doing something else (me - lead guitar). What sort of minimal percussion could we add that would compliment the band without edging to near one member standing at the back with a triangle territory. Cheers Chris x

Where can I legally purchase a pet Spotted Hyena in the United States?

I've looked into the legality of this, I've researched hyena behavior and health needs, have adequate space for an exotic pet of this nature, know roughly the cost of keeping one as a pet, and am researching how I can obtain a permit to own a hyena in my state. My main problem is that hyenas are not popular as exotic pets, and I can't find anywhere to purchase one legally after I've gone through all the paperwork and legal matters. If anyone knows where I can legally purchase a hyena cub, that would be of great help. Thank you to anyone and everyone who provides an answer.

Whats the name of this movie?

a few years back i saw this sundance channel movie about a guy who lets his wife go to work and then he hears in the news about an airborne disease that is spreading so he runs back home and seals himself off from the outside and when his wife comes home he wount let her in. the plot twist at the end is the government ends up killing the guy because his home became a breeding ground for the disease. ive been thinking for a while and cant remember the name of this movie.

What possible excuse could there be for the Commander-in-Chief to "misspeak" about someting as importantant as?

Misspeaks are generally about the lack of understanding of a topic or, any real in-depth passion about it. The teleprompter president doesn't "feel" he just repeats words written by others.

Why do lions and hyenas hate each other so much?

It's like their the only two animals who are rivals and hate the hell out of each other, well leopards and baboons hate each other as well but why is it the lions and the hyenas who have beef more than any other animal on the planet? It's like the moment hyenas spot a male lion their ready to flee but with the female lioness it is time to have a battle, why is that? and why are hyenas the only mammals to kill their siblings like right after birth? and why do they eat each other when one dies? btw i'm hoping to become an animal trainer and work a lot with the hyenas and the lions (my two favorite animals).

I need help interpreting a dream?

We were being invaded by some kind of Hyena people. half hyena half human. they busted in the front door and i sensed them coming, so i started looking for some red box, it was really small. I sensed that it could make me a rogue and make me be able to sneak out of there unharmed. I looked through that box for what seemed like a long time because i knew it was in there and one of the intruders saw me and attacked me. i saw the red box behind him on the floor, and i saw a cutlass on the floor. I picked up the cutlass and sliced him across the chest, picking up his sword to dual wield and i also picked up the box and went out of the side door that leads into a hallway and into the kitchen. Two of his goblin friends were in the hall. This part was in slow mo. One goblin was 4-6 feet further forward than the other and i leaped at the first and sliced his throat and spun and ducked under the second ones sword being swung and uppercut-slashed his throat and chin. i took their swords and sheathed them on my belt. Next i walked into the kitchen, where the chef greeted me. She was a fat, somehow muscular woman. She had a butcher knife, and we fought. At first clanking swords but as we went on i landed hits and finally i landed a blow to the neck, severing the spinal cord but not fully decapitating her. Next, this Huge man ran into the kitchen, he had a pan of hot as hell frying oil and i jumped and flipped over a frying pan and as i went over it i smacked the overhanging handle to launch it onto his face. he fell to the floor and i sheathed both of their swords.

Help!!! Can modern music be played on the classical guitar?!?

Im asking this question again because he first time no one answered.... I'm almost 13 and I want to start playing guitar. I was looking to get a steel string flat top acoustic, but I can't get one for now due to money issues. So I'm stuck with a classic guitar. My first question is, why does my classic guitar have steel strings? And my second question is can I play modern music on my classic guitar? Like indie rock,, R&B, ect ect? Some songs I would like to play are Who You Are by Jessie J, Rolling In The Deep by Adele and Im Yours by Jason Mraz, so you get the idea of what I mean by "modern". Can those be played on a classic guitar?

What acoustic guitar should i buy as a beginner?

Some quality cheap ones I know are the yamagata gigmaker series. They price 80-350ish if I remember correctly. They aren't the best quality but as the name implies they are a good beginner acoustic.

What song has affected your life the most? im trying to make a great playlist.?

Airborne toxic events song sometime around midnight really got to me after i read this thing from this army guy in youtube about this girl he said he loved from kindergarden or something like that. She pretty much said no and that really sucks and this guy responded back to him by saying its just how life is. My question is their a song that affected your life the most in any type of way? im really trying to get great music out of this thanks everybody. ::)

What would be a good song for a beginner?

My friend wants me to teach her to play guitar. But see i've only been playing for about two years and im not the teacher type but i am willing to help her becuase i want to. What would be a good acoustic song for a beginner? I was thinking Let It Be by The Beatles because that's one of the first songs i ever learned. What do you think?

Why are cheetahs solitary?

i wanna know why cheetahs are solitary animals. doesnt make sence to me. they are the weakest of the big cats and fail at hunting often. so wouldnt it make sence for them to stick together? would make hunting alot easyer and they would be more able to protect theyre food from hyenas and lions. so if there is a specific reason for it id love to know. lol.

I really want to learn how to play guitar... help me find the right size guitar!!!?

I'm about 5 foot 3 inches, and my arms are pretty long (in comparison to my height) sorry if that description was confusing! anyway I was looking at an acoustic guitar that is "short scale" at 23 1/4 inches. Is this too small? Because the description says it's for "smaller girls" As in little kids or smaller people in general. (I'm 15 if that matters) If you could give some suggestions for length or even about guitars in general for a beginner I would love to hear it! (just dumb it down because I know nothing about guitars. (For the record I can read music) Here is the link to the guitar I was looking at: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Friday, July 22, 2011

Protective instinct of animals?

well the wilderbeast will attempt to protect its young to some extent, but once it senses that its far too late for the little one, it will ultimately protect itself. thats the difference in humans and animals. we have more of a moral compass i guess you could say....

Looking for a country song?

I heard a song playing in the store before I left the other day and all I could make out was 'forgive me father' as part of the refrain. It's not the one by Jimmy Wayne; I checked already. I wanna say there was an acoustic guitar in the backround

Do you know where it was dropped?

On May 24 in history, the U.S. conducted its first airborne test of the hydrogen bomb. where it was dropped, and the name of the treaty signed a few years later to prohibit this type of nuclear testing

I have a small crack on my acoustic guitar saddle, will this affect the tone of the guitar?

It is a cheap 100 dollar guitar from Guitar Center new. The crack is really small and is next to the G string's position on the saddle. All the rest of the strings sound tuned but when it comes to tuning the G string it sounds off by a little not enough to notice but only when it comes to tuning. Is there any suggestions on this situation?

Good slow acoustic sad songs?

I love new american classic, mortician's daughter, terrible things, your guardian angel so something similar to those. Please no country or hip hop/mainstream music. thanks!

What do you think of my tattoos? and what kind of tattoos would you guys like to have?

i'm thinking about getting some tattoos in the future soon? and I want a tat on my upper left arm of a female matriarch hyena side by side next to a male african lion (a crown on his head - maybe?) and under them will say eternal enemies in cursive, it'll be hella tight lol, hyenas and lions are like my favorite animals and i'm hoping to become an animal trainer in the near future as well and work with these great animals and stuff, etc. and i'm hoping to get my nickname as well tatted on the right side of my neck in cursive and ended with a star above it and I want california in cursive tatted on my left wrist lol, I think my tattoos would look pretty cool, don't you think? what do you guys think? and what kind of tattoos would you guys like to have? (p.s. don't answer if your against tattoos or just hate tats in general and that means this question is not for you! - so don't answer!)

Do Airborne and Air Assault Infantry have higher chances of dying in Afghanistan than straight leg Infantry?

Does the Army send Airborne/Air Assault into the worst places or is it just randomized by unit on who will go where? Just curious...thanks!

During WWII, did USA suffer from air-bombing?

Other than Pearl Harbor the US was never bombed in any significant way and Pearl Harbor was only bombed once. There were a couple of small incidents by the Japanese and one by the Germans but they were too trivial. Compare that with Britain - every major industrial city and port were bombed some of them many, many times. During the Blitz, London was bombed for 76 consecutive nights and somewhere in Britain was bombed on almost every single night of the war - which lasted almost six years for us. That kind of puts it in perspective.

How can i change the volume of JUST the singer in a video?

My friend recorded my two friends and I performing. They are playing the acoustic guitar and I am singing. Because there was two guitars, their sound overpowered my voice. You can barely hear me singing. Is there anyway I wan adjust the volume of Just me singing? A software or program or something? Thanks =)

My Downstairs neighbor has a problem with my "noise"?

generally making music is considered rude, while TV isn't. I don't know why, but it's been the rules everywhere I've lived. Are there other places you can practice? It isn't an argument you are going to win, unfortunately, so best to avoid conflict.

If spotted hyenas were replaced by gray wolves, do you think lions would have a tougher time?

spotted hyenas are a lions top predator, if the hyenas were replaced with gray wolves, do you think lions would have more trouble with getting food and clashes with the wolves?

Any tips for doing well on the ASVAB?

I'm going to be enlisting in the Army in about a year and was wondering if anybody might have any tips for getting a good score. I intend to get 11B on my contract with a spot for Airborne, Ranger Special Forces training however I know I cannot get these if I don't do well. I want to get a GT of 110 or higher so I can qualify for these however I'm not the best test taker. I have however been reviewing and looking over some practice questions for the test. I believe I will do fine on everything except for the math portion of the test. I have never been too good at math and am a little scared I will screw up my chances for a career in the Army by not doing well on the math portion. What kind of math questions are on the ASVAB and how should I prepare for them? also what kind of other questions are on the ASVAB and how should I prepare for those also? I just want to know what to expect and how to prepare so I do well on the test and have the jobs I want available to me.

What happens if a helicopter is in flight in the same position for 12 hours?

What happens when a helicopter goes airborne and stays in the same position for 12 hours? will they be on the other side of the planet?

Should i become a army or marine officer?

Im 17 and im looking into colleges that have ROTC/NROTC. Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be in the marines, but my brother who's in the army says that the marines are underfunded and get treated like crap. I like how every marine is a rifleman first. Its always been in my heart to be a marine but I also want to try my hand at being in the special forces and doing air assault training and airborne school will give me a big challenge. Im looking into intelligence for my mos so that is another factor that im looking at

Mixed signals...what should l do?

hmmm i'd say he likes you. The cuddling thing and the whole music thing is a really really great sign. And the whole asking you for advice, coming a from a guy's stand point, is that he's trying to make you jelous. I'd say there is a really good chance he likes you. Good luck, hope that helped.

How long can sperm live airborne?

Yes, yes you can get pregnant. Sperm typically live from 48-72 hours after ejaculation in normal room temperature, and can survive temperatures up to 96degreesF. they can only last for great amounts of time when froozen.

I've been trying to get some help from the gaming manufacturer as well as various gaming forums...?

but still no joy. My question pertains to the FSX flight simulation game and the Abacus Flight Deck 6 (FD6) add-on to the FSX. Since after months of trying I could not get any help from anyone regarding the issues with the simulation software, perhaps someone in the Yahoo Answer group can help. The main problem of the FD6 was that some of the default aircraft do not gather enough speed to get airborne during carrier catapult launch thus they (aircraft) loose altitude as they clear the bow and then plunge into the sea. Running short of solutions however, I decided to replace one of the FD6 default aircraft (F18E) with one of the Simviation add-ons (F14d Tomcat "Marines"). Lo and behold, the replacement aircraft was launch off the catapult normally and got airborne. My question is: What changes can I make in the default aircraft configuration (.cfg) that will enable me to increase the acceleration for a successful launch. I enjoy playing with the FD6 missions but the software just so many problems that without the help of the FD6 developers, I'm trying to fix myslef.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Good chord progressions?

me and my friend are gonna have a little jam session at the skatepark where he works. he has an electric guitar and i have an acoustic guitar and im gonna play some chord progressions while he does improv solos. i was just wondering if you could give me some good ideas for chord progressions?

Want to get a tattoo of a soldier?

I'm wanting to get a tattoo of my husband who is a soldier. He is Airborne so I definitely want to incorporate the maroon beret in it. As far as uniform, I don't want to do ACU since it's probably close to impossible or would take a boat load of time. So I need ideas on uniform, stance or position, and some sort of background so it won't be so plain. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Which is the correct way to play "Don't Trust Me" on a acoustic guitar?

Well basically I've started learning guitar. I have a REALLY bad, super old, cheap guitar that my sister gave me when she got a better one. I've already learned all the chords for a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a this version of the song (the easier version with the capo) but I've been playing it and it just doesn't sound perfectly right. So I was thinking about playing this one a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a . So basically which one would sound more like the original song? And also some tips on strumming patterns for the song? Thanks in advance to all the answers ! =]

Who is top predator in Oman, Arabian leopard or Arabian wolves?

In Oman, especially in the Jabal Samhan Reserve, large predators such as leopard, wolves, striped hyena and caracal co-exist and compete for the same food.

Which is better. Acoustic, or Acoustic/Electric guitar?

I am buying a new guitar and am a beginner. Should I get just Acoustic or should I get an Acoustic/Electric?

This girl keeps laughing at my boyfriend's name?

My boyfriend is from India, he came to America when he was 7, and his name is Yosh Kapur. Not Josh, it's Yosh. But every day, this girl in my P.E. period laughs her head off at his name. She's always saying like "Why would you go out with a boy named YOSH?". It's so annoying. Other people have said it's cool, unique, and such. I personally like his name a lot, I think it's very exotic. And I wouldn't care if it was just her finding it amusing, maybe cracking a few jokes occasionally. But every day she just turns into a hyena about it. How the heck do I get her to stop??? It's incredibly obnoxious.

How to solve this problem?

LOOK there whether there is save bottom or not because most of pc games there is save botton to reload the game.So look at first.

Why are wild animals like cheetahs, geckos, dolphins, and whales, etc. so calm around humans?

Cheetahs have such a docile nature especially towards us humans and are like really tamed but why is that? Out of all the things i've read, researched and seen with my own two eyes is that cheetahs are very tolerate of us and we don't even have to cower in fear of attack even though we should be cautious at all times towards any "wild" animal regardless of the species but I remember watching big cat diary one time and Simon King was standing right next to a "wild" adult female cheetah and they were face to face without any fear towards one another and the cheetah was actually tolerating him and jumped up on the jeep sitting quietly and peacefully right next to simon but why? and usually when you go to places that contain captive cheetahs you're actually allowed to go in the enclosures with them, their basically like "wild" dolphins on land in a big cat's body lol but why are cheetahs contained with such a docile nature like dolphins and whales matter of fact why do most wild animals tolerate us being in their presents? It's like they love to interact with us....well egyptians have domesticated animals like cheetahs and hyenas and many other "wild" and domesticated animals but why do cheetahs, geckos, bearded dragons, dolphins, and whales, etc. have such a docile nature towards humans?

10th Mountain Division?

I seem to lack knowledge as to what this unit actually is. Is this unit the premier mountain unit of the Army or are they like every other infantry division? Does it require advanced training like Airborne or Air Assault to join or is this a grunt unit? Thank you for reading. :D

Considering my playing style, what type of acoustic guitar "top" should I look for? Spruce, Cedar...?

I really have to recommend Carvin's Acoustic Cobalt series. Their lowest model is about $490, fits right in your price range. Carvin operates their own factories to make their guitars, aka they sell direct, as opposed to retailing, so their guitars cost much less than they're worth. I have an upper range Cobalt and it's the best acoustic guitar I've ever played. It obviously won't compete with a high end Martin, but these guitars really are high up there. Definitely much better than any $500 guitar you'll find at guitar center. I seriously recommend you check them out.

I need help on Bass and Guitar issue?

What is the normal cost of a Bass & Guitar? (I know their difference, so don't tell me that). NOT acoustic, electric FYI. So, like am I gonna waste a bunch of cash?

US army contract and Special Forces.?

I leave for the army in Oct, I signed my contract and everything. I did 11B and airborne Contract, My Serving time was 6 years Active Duty. My goal is to become a green beret after 4 years. My dad is a Colonel in the Army, so he said he can get me stationed at Fort Bragg, 82nd airborne Division. I wanted to do infantry first because I wanted to get some experience before I tried to become a green beret. I was wondering after 4 years, can I change my MOS to the 18 series/ or Special Forces?

What are some complicated acoustic guitar songs that are fun to play?

I would like to know what acoustic songs are fun to play and require attention to detail when playing. Songs that use the whole fretboard such as the unplugged intro to Hotel California and Nothing Else Matters are awesome, I love learning those kinds of songs. And the intro solo to Wish You Were Here, Angie, Classical Gas, etc. I like classic rock and blues but also play modern songs like Taylor by Jack Johnson and Neon by John Mayer. I need some challenging songs that are still reasonable as I've gotten pretty good at guitar and am tired of learning songs with the basic C, G, D chords. I hate wonderwall and all the boring overplayed songs at parties. Thanks for any suggestions.

Jackson waters come undone acoustic?

i want to find the acoustic version of this song but cant find it on youtube to download ;( can some one please find the link and tell me please much appreciated

How did Israel become more advanced in military-radar technology than Europe?

Israel has no illusions that it has enemies and that they could be (and often are) just about everyone. They have a culture that seriously encourages education and keeping up intellectually. And they have one of the highest standards of living and international financial connections via Jews and Zionist Christians in other countries who also love Israel and wish it to survive and even thrive.

Should I stay boyish or change a little?

Dress the way you like. I was the same when I was your age, I loved it. I know some people didn't think I was the prettiest girl but hey, I was happy. I eventually grew into my own style and now I love the way I dress. It's never anything more than just jeans and shirts, so I'm still a little tomboy but I throw a little girly girl in with jewerly and what not. You have to discover your own style, not follow the crowd. Besides, who wants to be just like everyone else? That's no fun at all.

Advice for my White/Artifact deck mtg?

Try to add Signal Pests, Goblin Bushwalkers, Goblin Wardrivers and a couple extra cards such as Leonin cards and a couple of Ajani Goldmanes if you can afford them

Are there any parasites on these Savanna animals?

Birds known as oxpeckers - two species related to starlings - will often be seen on African savanna animals such as rhinos. They particularly investigate the ears, the eyes and the nostrils in search of ticks and other parasites. Whether a lion would require or tolerate their activities is questionable.

Batman Arkham Asylum Call of Duty World at War Assassins Creed 2 Lost Planet 2 or Medal of Honor Airborne?

I am thinking about buying one of these games but which one should I get? Batman Arkham Asylum, Call of Duty World at War, Assassins Creed 2, Lost Planet 2 or Medal of Honor Airborne?

SUPER HARD DISNEY TRIVIA! Winner gets Voted Best Answer!?

1. Snow white 2. Tarzan 3. Lion king (i think) 4. i dont even get the question 5. Cruella de vil 6. i know ones Ed 7. Melicefant and the Queen from snow white... Wait what do you mean "mirror"? oh wait a boy..... Uhh, i dont know jafar?! 8. Uh, like Paris or something 9. He has a name?! 10. Steamboat Willy

How much is this guitar worth?

I recently became the owner of a Guild guitar. The number on the back of head-stock is 195272. Besides that number there is no other writing on the guitar, it is just a basic looking dark brown acoustic guitar. I have done some searching online but haven't been able to come up with anything so any information you might have is greatly appreciated.

How much does the brand of strings effect the guitars sound?

my wife wants a better acoustic guitar and we really dont have the money right now.....would it be worth it to buy some kind of better quality strings?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What are good songs about saying goodbye even though it hurts?

looking for some good songs that are melodic/acoustic etc and that basically say that its time to say goodbye/i have to say goodbye even though its hurting me. thanks :)

Rate my new green and white magic deck please?

actually, you dont need 4x every card. its just how much u need the card on the field. as long as u can find a way to manuever your way to the sun titan (or whatever card u need at the time) having less than four isnt such a bad thing. and to the guy before me: is it really neccessary for u to be so aggressive in answering? oh, and its a solid deck. i see where ur going with it. good job

Do you think am i a hipster?

I don't know if you care for my opinion but it's better just to be yourself instead of classifying yourself as a stereotype.

Questions about MOS changing and AIT training..?

i have 2 weeks until my BCT. i'm on split-op in the reserves, so i won't be attending AIT until next summer. I am wondering how much an MOS effects where you go to AIT training. I am only listed under the MOS (42A) i currently have because it was only one available. I will do AIT training at Fort. Jackson. But i have heard this is where soft-mos's train. I am going to contract with ROTC and do SMP after next year. I am pretty sure i want an infantry title are something along those lines and do airborne school after i graduate and become an officer. But right now i dont want to be doing "soft training." It is too late for basic but is it possible i can change my mos to go to a more hardcore AIT school after basic training. What bonuses will i lose? and will i get other possible bonuses with a new MOS. Does my MOS even really matter since i am doing SMP program with my college's ROTC. Because the main goal is to become an officer. But as an officer i still want to be a fighting soldier. What should i do?

Question About Headphones. (:?

I think you should spend your money on something more important. Headphones get lost and break. Dont waste three hundred dollars.

What are the top 5 best acoustic-electric guitars?

I've been searching online and I haven't found anything about acoustic-electrics only one or the other. I'm a beginner so I want one for a reasonable price.

Dream interpritation part 2?

As I finally turn around from locking the gate I noticed the hyenas are walking around full and all thats left of the zebra is bones and skin, I noticed im on a wooden platform and its about 2 feet drop into the sand Im facing south and I noticed the sun is hotter, I also notice there are stainless steel bars rising out of the sand like huge monkey bars in the middle of nowear to my left about maby 150 yards away from the gate and platform im standing on I also notice straight ahead of me a pack of lions maby about 5 or 6 at about 300 yards away just walking in circles like if they were really hungry at this point a fear grows inside of me and I see climing the monkey bars as my only escape I decide to run towards them, as I see that out of the pack of lions a black panther emerges out and starts runing towards me to atack me I make it to the bars first and I start to climb at this point the panther is only a few feet away I feel im not climbing fast enough and the pantjer jumps and almost bites my foot. All of a sudden I relize im trapt in the middle of nowear and the sun starts to beat down on me hot. And I cant go no wear if I go down ill be eaten if I stay upthere ill die of heat. I dont know what this dream means but if u read part one, I feel like I jumped ahead of my self and that bear was never after me... I wonder what it could mean...

How can I play a clean sounding F chord on guitar?

I've actually been playing for 3 years now, but I can't play an F chord well. The problem is not the first four strings but the high E and B strings sound muted because my finger isn't strong enough to press down. If I really focus on the chord when I'm not playing a song then I would get a sound from all strings, but I usually do quick chord changes that are tricky like from C to F and I can't get a full sound from the chord. This mostly happens with my acoustic guitar, I can do an F chord on my electric guitar like nothing. How can I make my F chords better?

I need help finding a song to describe my feelings?

alright well i met this girl and i like her and she likes me! she hasnt told me it like staight up but i just know theres some feelings involved. you feel me! well i just want to find a good song that describes this! i like this girl and i think she likes me and i want to go out with her but she would have to wait a month or so till i get back to vacattion. lol i know kinda a stupid thing to ask for but i just want a song to listen to!! acoustic rock or hip hop and r&b are my favorite kinds of music. so try to keep the song in that categorie. if not then its fine thank you very much!

Recording live into Cubase 5.?

I want to record a acoustic set live into Cubase 5. I was wondering what I should use to capture a good sound. I have a way turning my ipod 4 generation into a digital condenser microphone and using the head phone output and taking an audio cable and running into my mic input of the laptop but I'm trying to think of some better ways to do this. Should I use the M-audio preamp mic buddy and a Shure dynamic mic ? Or do you think it's a better idea to use the Blue Berry pod casting USB microphone? If any one can shoot me some ideas on how to get a good clear sound please let me know. Thanks

What are some good acoustic songs?

Like Hey There Delilah(Plain White T's) and Dear John(Taylor Swift)? I also like soft-rock/country pop-like songs, like White Horse and Back to December(both Taylor Swift), any ballads that are similar? I'd prefer acoustic guitars

What are some good songs to learn for acoustic guitar?

Basically, I'd like to learn some new material that ISN'T cliche (i.e. Good Riddance, Hey There Delilah, etc), but still fairly well-known. I can sing well, mid-baritone to high tenor voice, and want some new songs I can play along to on my acoustic. Any suggestions? Thanks!

In "Life of Pi," is the tiger real?

IM CONFUSED :( Was Pi crazy? The tiger wasn't real? In that case was the blind guy real? Or the zebra and the hyena and Orange Juice?

If knowledge would hurt, would we still ask these questions?

Language is a double edged blade.Basic question is whether humans using the language or used by it.If one may be able resolve this equation understands your queries.

Broken fifth metatarsal, recovery time?

I broke my fifth metatarsal yesterday, I did this by landing on my foot sideways after being slightly airborne, instead of rolling my ankle my fifth metatarsal decided to take the fall. It is not displaced though. I am fourteen and i would just like to know "about" how long my recovery time would be, also the break is in the middle of the bone.

Do you prefer domesticated animals or exotic pets or maybe both and why?

do you prefer to only "own" and work with domesticated animals or exotic pets or probably both and why? I prefer both because i'm a huge animal lover and would some day like to become a professional animal trainer and work with both domesticated and wild animals and i'm hoping to own like about 6 different dog breeds (pit-bull terrier, english bull terrier, english bulldog, german shepherd, doberman pinscher, and rottweiler) and about two cats (savannah cats) and also own a reptile collection filled with snakes, iguanas, and monitor lizards and I know that it may sound like a lot of pets but i'm going to try and find a nice place to live with a lot of room and space for me to take care of all these animals and i'm going to make sure there all gonna be happy and healthy as possible (believe me!) and also make sure I have all the money and supplies to take care of these beautiful creatures and i'm going to check with my local law/city/state on to how many of these animals that i'll be able to own and I also wish that I could own a pride of lions and a clan of hyenas but unfortunately california only allows domestics, hybrids (domestics crossbreeding with wild animals), and certain exotics like reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates but yeah that's why I like and love domesticated animals and exotic pets but how about you guys which ones do you prefer better or do you like both equally like me and why?

Beginning Guitarist needs help?

I'm learning guitar as anew hobby and ive decided i want to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. I was wondering what size guitar i should get. Im 16. I know guitar come in many sizes so im was wondering whats the recommended size for a 16 year old guitarist?

On the movie "Lion King" was anybody happy that Scar has gotten to be the King?

I actually was cause he was the only one who showed any decency towards the hyenas and the other creatures in this movie treated the hyenas like they were worthless scums

Army, Navy or Marine Corps?

My family has a former Marine, a current Marine, and Airman, a future Airman, a Soldier, and a very close Former Navy Friend. We crack on each other all the time, but truth be told, we respect each other. You need to do some deep soul searching if you're worried about what people will say about you. You'll be fighting for what you believe in no matter what service you enter.

I want to find this music video!?

It's a girl playing acoustic guitar and she has a sound kind of like Lykke Li. The video is in black and white and there are a bunch of shadows on the walls, like a crescent moon and others. I for the life of me can not remember the name of the artist or song. HELP! Please and thank you. :)

How much do these guys usually get paid in the Army(airborne)?

Sorry, but matthew is correct. Pay varies from man to man. Even base pay depends on time in service, rank, etc. If you joining for a check, your in the wrong job.

Could I have been wrong in this situation?

I was in (not still sure if I still am) a relationship with this guy for 9 months. Last night we were both at a party with our friends and earlier he had told me that he was going to leave with me, I thought, Okay good, no problem, more time alone with him for me. But then we get into this silly argument because I was being distant. I'm not going to lie, I was, and partially because this girl (who he had once left me for to try "getting with her") was there and they were both talking. I don't have a problem with her, she's really nice, but I still get insecure around her. So to avoid jealousy, I kinda stuck around my friends, and he called this as "being distant". We got into a fight and ended up not leaving the party together, WHATEVER. Next morning, I got over it and went to his house (completely unexpected) to apologize. He accepts my apology and I feel better again, so we're talking a bit outside of his house when my ex boyfriend, who happens to be his best friend, walks out. Apparently he slept over, so I'm oh snap okay gotta get out of here fast. I go inside to go to the bathroom and BAM! the girl I'm totally insecure of is wearing my boyfriend's shirt and apparently she slept over too! So I hug her and then quickly walk to the bathroom, and there I am crying like an effing hyena. He walks in and we're in there for at least an hour and I think I broke up with him (not sure). He clearly sees that he did nothing wrong (and maybe he didn't) but the fact that she slept over his house (even if my ex was there too) when he knows about my insecurities towards her, wearing his shirt and then didn't tell me about it as if he were hoping I would never find out... That's what really pissed me off. So the moral of the question is, was it wrong of me to get upset over that?

Small hands - should I get a full-size or 3/4 size classical guitar?

I think you're making a mistake. Classical guitars are used primarily for playing classical music. If you're not interested in playing classical music there's no reason for you to get a classical guitar. Most fingerstyle players use a steel string flattop acoustic guitar although they tend to use an OM style with a slightly wider nut to allow better access to the strings. Those guitars also have the benefit of being more comfortable and having a more balanced tonal range.

How does the military decide how of a bonus to give a soldier after reenlisting? much of a bonus?

My husband just reenlisted [ he's deployed] and he will be getting a bonus. He serves in the army in an airborne unit and is a specialist, been in for 3 years and he is a water purification specialist. He hasn't gone to college since he joined right after high-school. I'm asking because I want to make sure he gets what he's entitled for. He doesn't like to ask questions and I do. Any general overview is appreciated.

Any good Acoustic OR Country music suggestions?

I usually listen to Pop and Hip-Hop but I recently started likely the sound of guitar. So any good acoustic OR country songs?

Eye Glasses In US Army?

Usually either Oakley, Revision, or ESS ICE ballistic eye protection with prescription inserts if needed. Yes, infantry are not only allowed to wear them but are required. Yes you can go airborne with glasses.

Odds of getting rabies notthrough?

is rabies airborne, like can it be spread throw people coughing and sneezing. also can you get it if you touch something and then touch your eye or rub your nose or pick your ear? like let's say you moe a lawn, can the saliva be carried throw the grass and then you touch the grass and then rub your eye or ear or face. i'm basically asking how long would the saliva last on the ground before the virus is dried up and not able to give you the virus. and is it possible to catch it throw plants and tree's (nature). i always wash my hands because i don't want to get sick from anything.

Critique this excerpt please? It won't be too painful I promise.?

Why not write the whole story? It's a nice start and flows well. Now is not the time to start editing. The old saw is write fat, cut later. Otherwise, you'll get snagged in the bushes when you should be covering the whole forest. I'd like to find out what happens to your character. And at this point that's all you really need in terms of criticism.

Please rate my green and white MTG deck?

Unfortunately for this deck, most of the cards are pretty bad. The only cards I would consider keeping are the Shepherd of the Lost, the Sun Titan, and Llanowar Elves, the rest of the cards just arent good enough. You need 4 each of any card you play in a deck to increase the chances of drawing those cards to win you games. 1-2 of each card is not going to cut it. You need a couple more lands, 23 isnt enough.

When do i get a call from my fiance (a Army ait training?)?

i haven't gotten a call or a letter since he's been in ait .what the hell is goin on in there and its been almost 2 weeks .his graduation is on june 30th .and he might be doin airborne infantry so that's 3 more extra weeks .until then , iknow nothing and idont know what to do ..

MTG Green/White Aura Deck?

You might want to add Veduran Enchantress and Yavimaya Enchantress. Both cards are amazing in an Aura deck.

Guitar string always breaking right after restringing it?

It's happened twice already.. I don't know if I'm doin something wrong. I do know nothing is wrong with the guitar, I checked. Maybe its because the string hasn't stretched out yet? If so, how long should I wait before I can play again? Or would I have to keep retuning it back again to standard and not play at all? How long would I have to wait then? Please help me out here haha I'm tired of constantly buying a whole set of strings just to replace 1 broken string.. Oh and the string that's always breaking is the high E. Also what brand should I buy? I play an Acoustic Electric Ibanez AEG10E.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Which would win a fight:A spotted female hyena vs a grey male wolf?

Which do you think would win and why. The more detail the better chance of getting your 10 points :)

What is this instrument?

I don't have a picture, but it has 3 strings and I belive 17 frets. The full body, including the neck. It is acoustic. My friend found it. I have no clue what it is, so if you have any idea, please share.

U.S. Army 11B MOS questions?

I'm going to be enlisting in the military in about a year and had a few questions about the Army in particular. I'm interested in the MOS 11B and was wondering how hard it is to get the MOS and what are the odds of me actually getting the MOS. I want to get Airborne on my contract and was wondering how that works also; I was also wondering what some of the duties a Airborne qualified infantryman has to do day to day. Also What are the odds of me being deployed to a country like Afghanistan right now. I know war isn't like video games and movies but I want to go overseas and protect my country in a country we're actually fighting a war against not just sit around and do nothing and have all of the training I've done go for nothing.

Good Songs Similar to These?

omg! those are like all of my fave bands!!! You might like asking alexandria, blink 182, or in fear and faith. if you kinda like rap i would try hollywood undead. hope you like em!!

What do you think of my top 150 animals list of 2010?

WOw! that's awesome! It was really interesting reading through all these animals then I'd have to research all the animals that I've never heard of! Nice job!!! ;)

Army Intelligence + Airborne?

I'm currently in college, and I'm hoping to join the Army and become and intelligence officer. However, I also want to go through Airborne School. Would I be able to be an intelligence officer and go Airborne at the same time? Any information would be great. Thanks.

Desperately need a single song on iTunes but don't have a credit card!!!!!?

I'm singing a song THIS FRIDAY at school so I need a karaoke version. I managed to set up an iTunes account without a credit card but now I need this song. Hannah Montana - I'll always remember you acoustic version. I checked and it is �0.79 so its not much so if anyone knows where I can get a pound code or a single song credit or anything that would be great. And p.s, don't say one of those ones where you have to follow on twitter or facebook or anything to get it because i don't have any social networking site profiles.

Should I take hapkido lessons?

I started it at 14, have acrophobia, and have zero upper body strength. When I started I think my max bench was only like 120-ish. I have found it to be one of the most enjoyable experiences in my life. Hapkido is very complex and require actually very little strength. As a matter of fact, strength is the opposite of what you want in the class. Learning proper falling is scary to everyone at first, but nowadays it's much better. When my master started training, he did "fly or die" meaning you either got demolished, or you learned to fall. Now they're much, much more lenient. Falling takes time and effort. Many people can take years to learn proper falling, so don't worry about the fear of getting thrown, it's perfectly natural. You get used to it as time goes on and actually begin to realize that it's better to be airborne.

How did Spotted Hyenas get such a bad stereotype?

I know people see them as cowardly scavengers but lions actually scavenge off of them more than they scavenge off of lions so how did people get that idea about them. I also know it has something to do with the way they kill, like how lions kill with mostly (not alwyas) swift bite to the neck where as hyenas kill by eating their prey alive. I know African Wild Dogs suffered the same stereotype as hyenas in the past and they were persecuted for it until they became endangered so how come spotted hyenas aren't endangered? Where they not persecuted some how? About everyone I ask hates hyenas or just isn't fond of them. I myself think their pretty cool and deserve a better reputation. The only reason I don't admire them as much as I would other predators is because of thier whole masculine females thing (I find that really, really weird and never get used to it)

Why does my paper airplane do this?

ok. so i made a paper airplane. when i go to throw it, i check it to make sure everything looks good. when its airborne, it will tatter side to side before it lands. it is extremely light and can go very far. i always flight it inside. no fans on or windows open. its the traditional design (but instead of folding the wing down, you fold the tip and then fold the rest of the side)(so it makes a pro wing on the bottom)) i do not know why it is tattering like that. help?

Best acoustic guitar for under 150?

Whatever you do, don't buy ANYTHING from First Act! Be it guitars, drums, keyboards, it is all very low quality!

A population being 100% heterosexual is not natural for many species...?

There are two sexes. That doesn't mean that all or us or any of us are perfect examples of either. The way biology works, we all start off as females. For males, the sex organs move through the body wall and move to their final place. If hormones and lots of other things happen in a certain way, it makes us one way and if they happen in other ways it makes us in another way. There are a gazillion different possible combination of features. Anybody that pretends theirs is the best is probably just insecure.

Recording live shows into Cubase 5 .?

I want to record a acoustic set live into Cubase 5. I was wondering what I should use to capture a good sound. I have a way turning my ipod 4 generation into a digital condenser microphone and using the head phone output and taking an audio cable and running into my mic input of the laptop but I'm trying to think of some better ways to do this. Should I use the M-audio preamp mic buddy and a Shure dynamic mic ? Or do you think it's a better idea to use the Blue Berry pod casting USB microphone? If any one can shoot me some ideas on how to get a good clear sound please let me know. Thanks

Want to learn how to play the acoustic guitar? Help please?

OK, So I'm 13 and I really want to learn to play the guitar. Is it too late to start learning? and if I do start learning, there's a problem: I seriously have NO idea how to start :/ I don't know ANYTHING about how to play it. I don't even have a guitar yet -.- I think I'm going to buy one from Ebay, but I'm not sure which one to buy. Can you guys please help me? I also don't want to go to any guitar lessons, because I don't have enough money. I want to teach myself but I don't know how to.. Help Please? Thanks so much.

What kind of animal yelps?

It yelped but kinda sounded like a laughing hyena p.s. I live in eureka Montana away from people so pretty SECLUDED

Is the Ranger a MOS. ?

I wasn't sure, I saw this guy saying he was a Ranger Airborne and he said his MOS was 11b1v. Is that true.

Can a hyena and gorilla mate?

Yes a gorilla and a hyena can and become good mates if the hyena gives the gorilla fruit and the gorilla gives the hyena meat.

U.S. Army 11C Qualifications Questions?

Is their such thing as an expert indirect fire infantryman? Or would an 11C just qualify for the regular expert infantryman badge? Is it possible to get "mortar marksmanship badges" (sharpshooter, etc.)? Do 11C's have the same oppurtunitys to go to airborne aand ranger school? Is it possible to enlist as 11c op 40?

How can i fix this when playing guitar?

It's a normal thing, you always here the pick on the strings. It's the pick hitting the string, along with the next and the next with its current momentum. It just naturally makes the slapping sound. If you're really worried about it, use a lighter pick. I use .30-.50

Gee, I wonder what this means.?

Why the heck did you palpitate the communism? Couldn't you have just rendered the cherry flavored soldering iron unconscious? There's no sense in dragging the guilt meter full of piss down the road of 24 karat laughing gas. I mean, go get the lonely stoner and stamp out the flowers of doom inside the burnt Jamaican. Heck, just let the beer graduate from high school. There's no sense in charming the grandfather snakes because the rattle clocks will masturbate with a rubber hyena.

Where should I move NO mosquitos?

Where is there NO mosquitos? i might have triple e (west nile virus) a mosquito spread virus and if I live I want to get out of here I live in new england where is the coldest place with no mosquitos or no trace of deadly viruses that are airborne? even alaska seems to have triple e problems im freaking out :/

Is there any rectangular acoustic guitar cases around?

i cant seem to find it anywhere, i only found bass n electric guitar hav rectangular case T____T i want rectangular case for my dreadnought T_____________T some help??

I am trying to find detailed maps ?

ok sometime soon im wanting to follow the footsteps of easy company 101st airborne so im trying to find well detailed maps that would lead me to each and every battle and that would also lea e to where i could find foxholes and their positions that kind of detailed. so could someone send me what they can find ?

How do I get a hyena?

It depends where u live. Certain states have different laws. For example someone I know has 2 zebras and a camel, no joke. You would have to look into your states laws. But sorry to be a bad news bear there is only about a 35% chance you would be able to have a hyena. sorry

Monday, July 18, 2011

Whats a good acoustic guitar that's cheap?

I really want a acoustic guitar. I'm a beginner and don't have alot of money. What are some good acoustic guitars that are cheap?

Can I drop rasp but keep airborne?

I have a option 40 contract and am at airborne school now. Tomorrow starts the first day. After I pass the pt test I plan to tell them I want to drop rasp, I don't wanna be a ranger anymore but I do wanna do airborne, so will they make me drop both or can I just drop rasp

Another beginner guitarist question..?

So I just got my first guitar (fender acoustic) 4 days ago, and I've been playing it for AT LEAST 3 hours a day. So far, I've attempted to learn the intros to: "Welcome to My Nightmare" (Cooper), "Angry Chair" (Alice In Chains), "Everlong" (Foos), "Day Tripper" (Beatles), "Smoke On the Water" (Deep Purple), "Big Me" (Foos), "About a Girl" (Nirvana), and "The Pretender" (Foos). The only ones I can actually play decently are "About a Girl", "The Pretender" (sorta), and "Smoke On the Water".. These are such SIMPLE songs! I just can't get the chords to switch fast enough, but it seems like I practice SO much and it's just very frustrating. Am I putting too much pressure on myself? By the way, I'm 17 and hoping to become a very good guitarist some day. ANY opinions and advice at all is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Does anyone have good music suggestions?

I am into a lot of different genres just not country or rap. Some bands I like to give an idea are the following, MCR, Escape the Fate, Regina Spektor, Collective Soul, Coldplay, Daft Punk, Airborne Toxic Event and lots of others. I just need some new music cause I am getting a little bored. SO if you have any suggestions at all just let me know! You can give me the band and song or just the band or just the song doesn't really matter. Thanks.

What are some great summer songs?

What are some great summer songs? New or old? I like pretty much anything and I am really into indie, country, rock, acoustic, and pop right now. any suggestions would be great!

Who would win in a fight: The Joker or a pack of hyenas?

The hyenas would be facing Heath Ledger's version of the Joker, but the Joker will be facing them outnumbered. However, he is pretty BA, so he might be able to pull it off...

Electric guitar vs Acoustic guitar witch one is better?

Just witch one do you perfer I wanna get a guitar for my birthday and I wanna start of with something easy or medium difficulty...P.s I sing .....but just give me your opinion on both guitars thank u god bless <3 :)

Need help with piano/guitar sheet music? All help is greatly appreciated!?

My sister plays the acoustic guitar and i play piano... I'm trying to play some of her songs using her music... It works as long as it doesn't need a capo. How can I play the songs that need a capo for her guitar on piano?? Thanks in advance.

What do i do about boys?

Well for one you are not dating if you are going out for a "day" in the adult world that is not cosidered dating, you would atleast have to go out on a date first and if it works out then you can say you guys are dating, but a day does not consider it dating. As for the other boy he can be your friend, but your young, don't think you need to be in a relationship even if all your friends are!

Guitar Lessons website?

Hey, i have been looking for a good place to learn the guitar. Does anyone here know of a website that can teach u the basics of a guitar. acoustic preferably. i have had a acoustic Silver tone guitar sitting in my closet for the past year now and have done nothing with it. I cant necessarily say i have a knack for playing the guitar and I'm also not sure if it's in tune either but i can work around those two. thanks very much

Guitar sheet music help?

i want to play two is better then one by boys like girls and taylor swift, on my acoustic guitar but i cant find the sheets anywhere, can anyone tell me a good website of where to get them free without paying or just post the link below, please and thank you :)

Songs that make you cry at funerals?

My grandad died this morning and as i am the most musical person in the family , i was left in charge of the funeral music. I play acoustic guitar and my grandad didn't get to hear me play very often as i am a nervous player. I thought it would be nice if i plucked up the courage to sing and play at his funeral for him. Im not looking for sympathy but please give me any ideas of songs for funerals. Maybe soft country songs. And also any ideas of a song for me to sing and play on the guitar ? Oh if it helps , i am a girl and i am not vain but i have a very soft voice :) Thankyou!

Acoustic guitar strings?

How often should I change my acoustic strings? I feel like im losing quality sound after a few weeks

How can I tell if someone is lying about serving in the Military?

Well. I'm a Canadian girl so I know nothing about the American military. But I know a thing or two about lying douche bags. I just thought I'd throw my two cents in and say if you're suspicious enough to ask about it on here, there's probably a reason. Sometimes it's best to trust your instincts.

Does this guitar deal looks good to you?

The FG700S is a very good quality beginner guitar with a solid spruce top and plays really well. $199 is pretty much the standard price for them. You can walk into Guitar Center and buy one for that, but you'd have to add on sales tax. If you buy one online and having to play shipping be sure you consider that. Personally, I'd buy one at a music store so you can play it first and see how it sounds. Each guitar is a bit different so it's good to play the one you're buying and have someone there who can address any setup issues or questions you have about the guitar.

What dog breed closely resembles it's wild relatives? (IF IT'S TOO LONG - DON'T HAVE TO READ)?

what dog breed closely resembles it's wild relatives? I know that huskies, malamutes, german shepherds, akita's, alaskan klee kai's, american alsatians, belgian shepherd dogs, carpathian shepherd dogs, caucasian shepherd dogs, croatian sheepdogs, czechoslovak wolf-dogs, east european shepherds, dutch shepherd dogs, east siberian laikas, eurasiers, estrela mountain dogs (sort of?), greenland dogs, icelandic sheepdogs, j�mthunds, kai kens, korean jindo dogs, hokkaido's, mudis, norrbottenspets, norwegian buhunds, norwegian elkhounds, norwegian lundehunds, portuguese podengos, saarlooswolfhonds, seppala siberian sleddogs, shiba inus, shikokus, shiloh shepherd dogs, white shepherd dogs, west siberian laika all look just like wolves and sorry that i've wrote all the breeds down lol but they do so i'm very aware of which dog breeds look wolf-like and so for those of you looking to own pet wolves or wolf hybrids, i'm suggesting that you look up these breeds i've just listed and you won't be disappointed especially if wolves are illegal in your state/city and i'm aware that some small dog breeds resembles foxes like pomeranians, etc. not gonna list the rest of them lol but i'm mostly looking for dog breeds that resemble or looks just like jackals, coyotes, hyenas (not apart of the dog family but have dog-like behavior and resembles dogs), african wild dogs, dingoes, new guinea singing dogs, dholes, and raccoon dogs or any other domestic dog breeds resembling wild canines and i'm going to do my research online as well but will like to hear your thoughts on this like if you own domestic dog resembling a wild canine and what do you like about your pet?

Classic guitar with steel strings?

I'm almost 13 and I want to start playing guitar. I was looking to get a steel string flat top acoustic, but I can't get one for now due to money issues. So I'm stuck with a classic guitar. My first question is, why does my classic guitar have steel strings? And my second question is can I play modern music on my classic guitar? Like indie rock,, R&B, ect ect? Some songs I would like to play are Who You Are by Jessie J, Rolling In The Deep by Adele and Im Yours by Jason Mraz, so you get the idea of what I mean by "modern". Can those be played on a classic guitar?

A launched rocket has an altitude, in meters, given by the polynomial h+vt-4.9t^2, where h is the height, in m?

A launched rocket has an altitude, in meters, given by the polynomial h+vt-4.9t^2, where h is the height, in meters, from which the launch occurs, at velocity v in meters per second, and t is the number of seconds for which the rocket is airborne. If a rocket is launched from the top of a tower 130 meters high with an initial upward speed of 30 meters per second, what will its height be after 4 seconds?

Dreamt of being chased by animals?

I dreamt of being chased by a clan of hyenas and some large dogs and was running for my life.. I managed to hide somewhere under the table in a shop.. and they were gone. Later when I stepped out of the shop I saw them again.. then the dream ended. What does it mean?

Last lines meaning in this poem?

It mean that when you kill a man, your soul is condemned, or you have sinned. A man is an extension of God, and so is a cat, so it basically means taking a cat's life is tha same as taking a man's life in the eyes of God.

How come there are no tigers in Africa? Are they not able to survive?

If wild tigers were introduced into Africa, are they not suited to survive? Maybe the lions and the hyenas will kill it?

Did god Really Want No Death or Suffering?

Yes God didn't want 'eternal' death and suffering on the earth. It says in the Bible ' that Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.' His will is already done in heaven. There's no pain or suffering there. The question is: Do you choose to go there or not? Death and suffering and just the messed up things we don't like came from Adam and Eve's sin and disobedience. You could also blame Satan by the way.

I can't remember this old pc fighter jet game. :(?

The game played from a top-down perspective (e.g. galaga), and you control a fighter jet. You had a variety of weapons that you could switch out between missions, and as far as gameplay goes, the environment would pass by beneath you as you progressed (to simulate speed) and you'd have various land and airborne enemies that are shooting at you as you go. I remember the game being pretty difficult, and at the end of each mission there would be a massive heavily armed boss that you'd have to defeat.

What are a Few Things About Yourself?

Well you seem like a cool person to be around with. And i would like to write some things about me, but i just go on and on & on. Lol..

Rock/acoustic losing someone songs?

"Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" and "When September Ends" by Green Day are good ones. Billie wrote the first after his girlfriend moved to South America and the second after his father died of throat cancer. I also like the song "For Good" from the musical Wicked; I know it's not really "rock," but the choir sang it at my graduation and it was very touching.

Does anyone lose their appetite while watching animals killing prey on documentaries?

I have to seriously change the channel. I cannot eat while watching animals chewing on bones or crocodiles latching onto zebra legs and disgusting hyenas gangin up on an injured animal. Makes me lose my appetite.

If a creature has a an enchantment on it, does color protection destroy that enchantment? MTG Magic?

Let's say I have a Mother of Runes with a Hyena Umbra on her. My opponent casts a Journey to Nowhere on her. If I tape her to give her protection from white, does the Hyena Umbra get destroyed?

Questions about mono?

Other than kissing you can spread mono by sharing eating or drinking utensils or by touching something contaminated by mono and then putting your hand in your mouth.

Military division question?

Airborne is Airborne but other than that you can join so to speak and go through the some of the training if your say a Medic which I was but never had the privilege to go through the training or jump from a plane.

How many of obama's....?

farts has nancy pelosi sniffed thus far during his presidency? Ever damn time I see a media clip of obama, that smiling hyena is always in the background or somewhere nearby! Good Lord democrats.... if you're going to have someone trail your president around, do the rest of us a favor and please get someone who is half attractive!!

DO Air liasion officers see combat?

I start my AFROTC Career this September comming up and have been interested in 2 jobs Pilot, and Air Liaison officer. I love the TACP's and i know ALO lead TACP's, so I just wanted to know do Air Liaison Officers ever get to lead the TACP's in combat you know fight the fight with them. I would hate to be stuck behind a desk all day. How can you lead men and dont fight with them. I remember reading an article a while ago talking about how the TACP's complain about not having ALO's as a stable platform and how they are constantly rotated. and so the Chief of staff of the air force is pushing to make them there own job much like they did with Combat Rescue Officers with the PJ's. WHo nwo train and see combat with the PJ's. So as an ALO will I get to see combat with my men. Because even in this thing It says how as an ALO you can go to ranger school, airborne etc etc so its like why do i get the ability to do all this training if i just sit behind a desk. Everyone on the internet basically say ALO's don't see combat so i just want someone to give me a straight answer or at least some Personal experience, thank you.

Army mos's that you could become airborne qualified with?

Could someone give me a list of all the mos's in the Army that you can become airborne qualified in? All help is appreciated.

Is there any way I can change the sound in Windows Live Movie Maker?

Like adding bass or making it more acoustic. I've searched for plugins on Google, but I found nothing :S

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Help! acoustic guitar strings?

You are chasing a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Even if you bought the same strings he uses your guitar might still not sound like his. Just keep trying strings until you find the ones you like best. I happen to use and recommend Elixir Nanoweb light gauge acoustic strings but you might very well prefer some other brand.

How long should my guitar be?

I have seen alot of bass guitars an alot of other guitars. I know my first one was to small for me didnt know the length ( my old acoustic ) so i do know length is important due to the size of the player. I am six foot tall an 240 pounds. So how long should my bass guitar be i was thinking between 38-43 inches. I would prefur answers from bass players. particularly ones of my stature

Is it hard to learn to play guitar?

I started at 11 i didnt know anything about theory until now that im 15 i went into an orchestra and i learned both clefs of music

Can a soldier be Airborne and Pathfinders qualified?

Are you serious? A pathfinder job is to mark and view the conditions where a jump is to be made. They need to be airborne qualified to understand this. This kinda like asking does a infantryman need a rifle to fight....

Would you say a hyena is closer to a type of dog or mongoose?

hyenas and ravens are my favourite animals , i saw today someone calling the hyena a dog . but thats wrong ?

What should i get for a first electric guitar?

I've been playing acoustic guitar for a little over a year and have decided to get an electric guitar. I don't know much about them, but i do know i need it to be comfortable, with a good sound, that will last a few years. What guitar should i get?

Does anyone know where i can buy a basic parachutist badge?

i am looking for an original(real) u.s basic parachutist badge, the one you receive after completing airborne school? i got one in 2010 and i lost it and wanted to purchase a new one but not a replica. i am also looking to not spend a lot of money one it.

What are a Few Things About Yourself?

Build computers, can cook, play basketball and golf, hack, nice, not very confident, never had a girlfriend even though I get complimented for how I look a lot.

What was the animal in distress?

I was walking my dog yesterday afternoon and i went into a field to give him a good run. There is a stables next to it and you are level with the horses fields. On this occasion i heard a really weird animal sound. It was like a dog barking or maybe a duck? but it wasn't (if that makes sense?) I could only say it was closest to a red fox in distress? Anyway it got louder and louder till eventually i heard two people shout 'shut up' and then it made almost a child laughing noise? maybe like a hyena on a cartoon? It wasn't, but it was like a sound effect you would hear on telly. A few minutes later this all repeated again? it really confused me, but i know for certain it must have been an animal in distress, possibly shut in one of the stables? This has happened before, as they shut a border collie in there for 2 weeks only letting it out for a few minutes a day. I found this out by a friend who used to be there. I don't know what to do, as i love animals and hate to think of them being abused. It would help if i might be able to identify what the animal could have been as best i can. This all happened in eastern england if that helps.....

I never understood this. Why are the Africans starving if they have animals like elephants, zebras, buffalo?

knowing the way the Government's of Africa work...they are probably protecting the animals and they don't give too much thought to feeding the starving of their continent...what food aid does to mostly taken by guards and soldiers...and officials - and what's left...the people get - if they are lucky!

Would you be hurt if you got a message like this dudes?

Go on then you spastic. Go on then say what you’re going to say. There something a two year old child would say. No I don’t get an orgasmic kick out of this. I find it sad that some abnormally short, supremely ugly, retarded spastic, mental patient thinks that she has the power to humiliate me. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN SAY THAT YOU CAN EMBARESS ME WITH, BECAUSE I REGARD YOU AS THE EMBARESSMENT. You just don’t get it do you? Not even when someone is trying to explain the truth about your hideous life. I give up. Maybe someone in the next two years who gives a damn can explain to you things the way they are. Not me. You look like a hyena and sound like one..No one will marry you...they would need glasses......aww are you hurt?

Is there any branch of the Marine Corps that teaches paratroopers?

Army has airborne, and I know that there are Navy and Marines have their own wings medal, so what mos teaches it?

Want to learn guitar?

I already have been playing piano for 5 years and I'm still not sure if singing is my thing or not. Should I start on electric, bass, or acoustic?

How can I remove Bearshare from my laptop?

Bearshare has messed up my computer, my yahoo home page no longer comes up. I followed directions to get rid of it but it didn't work. A phone number to this group of hyenas would be appreciated. Does any one have any suggestions.

Can someone explain to me these songs by Flyleaf?

I was listening to Cassie (regular) and then the acoustic version of it. Then i noticed in the acoustic version she says "my SISTER Cassie pulled it" Can someone explain that to me?

Army Schools - Airborne/Ranger - as non combat?

Any MOS can go to Airborne school. Also, the tab represents the unit, not that you're airborne qualified. The jump wings tell you if someone is airborne qualified or not. You just have to volunteer for airborne. Now with Ranger school, I believe it's possible for an Admin MOS to get in, it just depends on slots available and if your unit cares enough to send you there. Not sure how it works in the Guard, but you should have a schools NCO, or at least ask your chain of command, the worst they can say is no.

Was Pi (Piscine Patel) on the boat with the animals or the survivors?

So i have finished reading "The Life of PI" by Yann Martel and the ending is confusing me a lot. I understand that the Japanese people took the story of animals because it was more entertaining, but I am not sure if he was on the boat with the animals (hyena, tiger and oragutan) or humans (sailor, mom and chef). Thanks

Worried I'll pick up stomach bug?

hello all, i have a phobia of being sick which doesnt help at all -_- i have avoided stomach bugs (vomiting, watery stools you know) because i hate having one and hate giving it to parents i hate seeing them ill it really makes me upset so ive avoided it for at least 5 years now. ive had bad colds but they dont bother me. anyway back to the question, today a girl was sick at school. she told the teacher she was experiencing bad stomach pains and layed on the bean bags for about 10 min (NOTE im not her friend and didnt get face-to-face close id say about between a 9ft radius) then she was sick in the toilets. my school is basically a small hut only has 2 classes for special kids who have problems. i didnt go into the toilets when she was sick nor did i touch anything she touched. what im worried is can i pick the bug up if i go out the same door as her? like airborne. the door was left open so i didnt need to open it. sorry for the stupid long question but i want my mind put at ease as im terrifed off these bugs, ive put my hand in my mouth a few times but havent touched anything except the mouse for a pc at school and she didnt use it so.. thanks :) BUT.... my teacher was sat near her today and used the same pc as i did, so will i catch it????? or does the teacher have to be ill first before i caught it?

What are some acoustic old school rap or hiphop songs/artists?

I want more music that sounds like Thugz Mansion by Tupac and Nas. And Caught in a Hustle by Immortal Technique. Thanks

I need help finding a song to describe my feelings?

alright well i met this girl and i like her and she likes me! she hasnt told me it like staight up but i just know theres some feelings involved. you feel me! well i just want to find a good song that describes this! i like this girl and i think she likes me and i want to go out with her but she would have to wait a month or so till i get back to vacattion. lol i know kinda a stupid thing to ask for but i just want a song to listen to!! acoustic rock or hip hop and r&b are my favorite kinds of music. so try to keep the song in that categorie. if not then its fine thank you very much!

Things I should know about going to South Africa?

I'm going to South Africa on the 9th of October this year to volunteer with lion cubs, hyena cubs and wild dog cubs. The organisation I've booked it through have been fantastic, they've given me lots of information and always answer my questions thoroughly. They've told me to do lots of research on the country ie south african cultures and laws, to make sure I get the best out of my time there. Are there any specific things I should/shouldn't do while I'm there? Anything to do with South African culture that is important? eg. In Thailand, it's considered rude to show strangers the bare sole of your foot. Is there anything you can tell me like that about South Africa? Hope you can help! Thanks! :)

Biography of a Hyena?

Please tell me about the Biography of a Hyena. Wikipedia is like way too much to read its raterded. do they really have all that energy like laughing like crazy in the movies?

Why would an airborne disease in a busy area, like a city, be really bad?

because it will infect many(emphazise on many) people and if the disease is harmful it could even kill people.

Laser eye surgery in the military?

Can you get lasik or PRK and still be in SEALs, Rangers, Special Forces, Airborne infantry, DEVGRU, and Delta Force?

How does ones respiratory rate affect airborne toxins?

I'm doing research for a story of mine. A character will be entering a highly polluted area (full of toxins everywhere, primarily the air) and I was wondering if the effects of such toxins would increase/speed up if his heart rate increased (through a fight) or not. Thanks.

Border Collies Ears are sticking up all of a sudden 3 month old?

I woke up today and my three month old border collies ears were sticking straight up like a hyena. Is this how they are going to stay or do they go through another change.

Why do Humans keep making all those weird faces and deranged Hyena noises every time they kill something?

It's getting really annoying. Is taking the life of another living being really so funny to these psycho Baboon-Chimps that it naturally warps their faces like a black hole?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Army dream sheet for alaska?

i want to go to fort richardson alaska,im a 91D E-2,after ait im going to airborne school,i want to be in a airborne unit and i really want to see alaska,when i get my dream sheet and i put fort richardson 3 times would that increase or decrease my chances

Want to learn guitar?

I already have been playing piano for 5 years and I'm still not sure if singing is my thing or not. Should I start on electric, bass, or acoustic?

Army Airborne Officer or Marines?

I don't really know what to chose but the fact is I've always wanted to be a Marine. But something inside me tells me to join the Army as a officer in the Airborne program. Oddly specific isn't it? I want to know witch has the most benefits and witch one is better to go into. I have a history of asthma, last attack i had was when i was 10 years of age. And i haven't had any symptoms past the age of 13. Please no one leave links to that whole past the age 13 DQ thing because that just makes me angry. I want someone to answer this question with real experience. Not some dude who says he is the Military but really is a accountant working at the Bank of America. Please this is very important to me so please take is seriously. Thank you.

Which songs should I learn to play?

I'm Yours for sure, and Wonderwall, maybe Don't Stop Believin' and Absolutely (Story of a Girl) and Right Where You Want Me

Can you make a really bad guitar sound better?

A long time ago, my sister bought her first guitar for $60 brand new. It is an acoustic guitar and It has a really bad tinny kind of sound and playing tabs is really hard. Any suggestions to make it better would help me alot.

Can Chaplains go to Airborne, Air Assault, Ranger School etc.?

I feel called to be an Army Chaplain, but I have always felt that leaders should have experienced the same thing as their subordinates. Can Chaplains(as spiritual leaders) seek extra training with their flock? Especially Airborne, I think soldiers will definitely wonder about God before they jump out of a plane.

Should I get a condenser or ribbon microphone?

Unless you want to record a mosquito's heartbeat along with the music, condenser microphones are adequate. They have excellent response and sensitivity. Try out a few different mics to see what you like best.

What species of reptiles are fairly trainable?

are there any species of reptiles that are trainable? i.e. bearded dragons, monitor lizards, iguanas, turtles, tortoises, crocodilians, etc.? i've seen plenty of these cold-blooded animals be trained but what other reptiles are trainable? if you know of any? and can snakes be trained as well? i've read something online can't remember what it was about someone saying that they've called there pet snake to come to them when called and that when they pat the ground the snake will come up slithering towards them, so i'm assuming snakes are trainable and i'm aware that snakes don't have eardrums but have something called a inner-ear or something like that and feels vibrations from the ground and i've also read in a lot of snake books and online that snakes can actually hear a bit of airborne sounds and ground vibrations, so i'm aware of that but what species of reptiles or amphibians are trainable? and i've heard of people potty-training their iguana too!

Are there any good flute and guitar duets?

the guitar needs to be novice level where as the flute part can be intermediate, i would prefer books or sheet music that is for acoustic guitars. i like anything renaissance (ex// greensleeves) jazz, modern but not rock, and folk.

How hard is Army Air Assault Training?

I thought for a second that you had to go to airborne training to be deployed on a helicopter. I was wrong. So here is what I want to know, how hard is Air Assault training? I heard it was only 2 weeks. So it can't be too hard. And I heard it is mostly knowledge that is hard. I know about the 2 mile run and 12 mile march. But how much weight do you need to cary in the 12 mile march. Also, can a 2nd lieutenant be allowed to be an air assault soldier?

Where can I legally purchase a pet hyena? THIS IS LEGAL WITH A PERMIT.?

I would say look into rehabilitation centers, rescue organizations, or breeders that specialize in exotic large animals. When I worked at the zoo we would sometimes bring in animals from other zoo breeding programs but we would also, like our big cats, we would get them from a breeder from the area. I don't know if this helps but good luck.

Learn to play guitar?

I already have been playing piano for 5 years and I'm still not sure if singing is my thing or not. Should I start on electric, bass, or acoustic?


There is an animal shown in the beginning of the movie 'DYING BREED'. It is somewhat like dog, hyena and tiger. Can you tell me which animal is that?

What's a good amp for a beginner on the electric guitar?

Most decent sounding beginners amps start at about $200. If that is more than you can spend right now as a beginner then just get the best sounding amp you can find.

Since the only ordinary British person's wealth is their health- Why aren't they up-in-arms about NHS reform?

Why should they be up-in-arms about NHS reform? The fact of the matter is it needs reform and the sooner the better. This monster has become too big and out of control. This is not about stealing it from us, but about improving it for our benefit. Reform does not mean erasing the NHS !!

Una Fricker Signed magic the gathering card. How much is it worth?

It is probably worth 50 cents to a dollar. Value of a card signed increases it very little. In fact I just but 100 signed card for 10 bucks! By the way, Jace is worth 85 bucks, not 120.

Is my lesser white deck okay?

You have too many lands, I would lower it to 22 or 23, and you have too many one-ofs. Getting that important card is very difficult if there is only one in your deck. You need a focus for your deck and I don't see one.

Are hyenas related to cats or dogs?

Hyenas are related to both cats and dogs, but they are more closely related to cats than they are to dogs. Hyenas are members of the Order Carnivora, which includes both the dog-like and cat-like mammals. Dog-like mammals include bears, seals, otters, weasels, raccoons, pandas, and of course dogs. Cat-like mammals include the big cats and small cats, the mongooses, and the hyenas.

Getting lasik in the military?

When can I obtain lasik in the military? All of my local recruiters have told me it would be after I'm assigned to my permanent duty station. Also they stated since that reason for me needing lasik is because of front-line duty (example: I'm in the 101st Airborne and glasses are a pain in the *** out in the field.) that I would be put at the top of the waiting list. However I am skeptical that a grunt would get priority over an officer, no matter where that officer is stationed. Thank you for reading.

Why do Humans hate normal animals like Snakes so much, but not the 1 species that deserves to be hated, Humans?

Speak for yourself. I wouldn't help a human do a thing after the treatment I got from them. As for animals, I donate to many causes for them.

Why are women more attracted to celebrities?

I don't understand why women are attracted to celebrities more then other people. I've seen girls attracted to some not so attractive celebrities who wont even look at guys that are way better looking than the celebrities. Are girls just wired to always want something they can't have? Do they want to be with these guys just because they can't? My girlfriend and I are 18 and just like every other teenage girl, she's got this crush on Taylor Lautner. Not that she doesn't love me, but she always says how "sexy" he is. I'm U.S. Army Airborne Infantry so I'm on a daily workout schedule and have a way better body than Taylor Lautner and have more features that she likes in a guy then he does. I have a feeling that had he asked her out when I did and I had to choose, despite me being the better choice she would have chose him. Or would she not have because she had the opportunity? I know this isn't unique to my girlfriend because I see it in just about every girl I know and meet. Women are so attracted to celebrities that they pretty much worship them. I don't understand why. I know so many women that go out of their way to know everything that is going on with celebrities, but wont turn on the News and watch things that are affecting the world and their lives. They can tell me a biography of any celebrity that comes to mind, but they can't tell me how they feel about our National debt or Obamas pollicies, but they can tell me what his wife was wearing and where she ate today. Why do girls think even the most boring celebrities lives are more important and interesting then our own? I don't understand and maybe y'all can help me?

Song played in pac sun?

it's mostly acoustic guitar and a guys voice, and the chorus is "something something something something save my life"

Is there a paint or something to cover the front of my guitar?

Hi i have written all over my acoustic guitar with permanent marker and nothing will take it off, ive tried nail varnish remover and it just makes it worse. Is there a type of paint of something that i could use to repaint my guitar all one color so it looks new? Thanks

How would you know if you are spreading poison ivy by mowing?

Really a lot of poison ivy around where we live now the neighbors are building their home and every week end they come out to mow. so my question is when they do mow and they run over the poison ivy does that make it airborne when the lawnmower runs it over

Some good covers on guitar?

Probably not what your looking for but I love this cover of Pachabel's Canon a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Are any animals immune to rabies?

I read somewhere that squirrels and hyenas are immune, but is this true? Or are all mammals susceptible to the disease?

Who agrees that inside jokes are stupid?

I hate them! I especially hate when I'm with a group of friends and they say something completely stupid like "Bacon!" then everyone starts laughing like a bunch of hyenas because it's an "Inside joke that you wouldn't understand unless you were there." I have a few inside jokes with my friends, but I don't constantly bring them up like most people do. Bottom line is, I think they are stupid. What about you?

Do I have strep or a regular sore throat?

2 days ago I started feeling just a little bit of pain in my throat, so I started taking airborne. Yesterday my sore throat got a lot worse and it would hurt a lot when I would swallow. Yesterday I also had a very bad headache, dizziness, stuffy nose, and mucus. Today my sore throat got worse, but all I have now is the sore throat and a stuffy nose and a little bit of mucus. (no more headache and dizziness) I keep taking airborne, Alka-seltzer, and cepacol lozenges, but the pain doesn't relieve. I don't have a thermometer, but I don't think i have a fever (maybe a mild one).

In Medal of Honor Airborne, do you have other soldiers that follow you around?

I think this game looks great but I hate games where you go by yourself. I know the game is non-linear, and I really hope there is at least 1 other soldier who stays with you at all times.

When should I upgrade my $3000 Taylor 814CE 2010 acoustic electric guitar?

With an $8000 budget you should consider McPherson, Goodall, Froggy Bottom, R. Taylor, and PRS. It's not enough for the big boys like Traugott, Ryan, Fox, Manzer, Olson, and Laskin but those are still fine guitars.

What can I expect if getting married during leave between AIT/Airborne and first duty station?

I'm currently in AIT (U.S. Army) and once I graduate from here I will be heading to Airborne. Once I finish with Airborne, I plan on taking a couple days leave and going back home to marry my girlfriend. I was wondering what to expect once this happens. How long will it take before she'd be allowed to move in with me on base, and how would I go about getting my status changed so that the base knows I will be needing housing for two, not for just myself? Also, if after Airborne my orders come through and end up being overseas, how do I go about making sure she will be able to accompany me there?

Are they any studies of wolf, hyena and leopard relationship?

Leopard, wolves and hyena co-exist in many places in the world, but there are no studies to be found. Here are some of the places they co-exist:

I want play an acoustic guitar. How to play it?

I want learn how to play an acoustic guitar.I don't know anything. Please Help Me. And what guitar best for begginners. But not expensive.

Army 11b with Airborne?

May I enlist as an 11b with Airborne School? I don't like the option of 11x because I could end up as an 11c. I just want to be an 11b with Airborne in my contract. Is this possible? I'm not going to sign in for the army to get what I don't want you know? I took my asvab filled out all the papers and I'm ready to go in just wondering if its possible to have your contract say 11b with Airborne.

Why are some brides such huge BEOTCHES?

"I don't know if you think I like you or something, but I HATE YOUR GUTS. Oh & that post that you saw on Y!A...THAT WAS ME"

Rock bands with orchestration to their songs?

Do you know of any? Not like individual songs...but bands..someone besides Queen or Airborne Toxic Event

Why is the Battle of Bastogne so glorified?

It wasn't just the 101st in the Battle of the Bulge. The 82nd airborne division was fighting right along side of the 101st. As were many other infantry units. It is called the battle of the bulge because all units retreated when the German Panzer divisions advanced except for the 101st and the 82nd. This created a bulge in the front line. And yes, those two divisions held off the tanks, which couldn't penetrate the Adrennes forest. Have some respect, many heros died there.

Friday, July 15, 2011

How would you react if you got a message like this?

Go on then you spastic. Go on then say what you’re going to say. There something a two year old child would say. No I don’t get an orgasmic kick out of this. I find it sad that some abnormally short, supremely ugly, retarded spastic, mental patient thinks that she has the power to humiliate me. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN SAY THAT YOU CAN EMBARESS ME WITH, BECAUSE I REGARD YOU AS THE EMBARESSMENT. You just don’t get it do you? Not even when someone is trying to explain the truth about your hideous life. I give up. Maybe someone in the next two years who gives a damn can explain to you things the way they are. Not me. You look like a hyena and sound like one..No one will marry you...they would need glasses......aww are you hurt?

The Bachelorette: What did you think of the guys? Was Ashley H a goof head?

or what? Are all the girls supposed to laugh like hyenas and be dorky??? Is it any wonder they aren't dating??????????????

Could pitbulls survive in the wild africa?

if sombebody dropped about 50 pitbulls and if they were a pack could they hunt and mate and actually survive in the wild with hyenas and african wild dogs wild boars and lions. Pitbulls bring down boars so could they survive

Guitar Question here! please help!?

hey guys, i've recently been clearing out a lot of stuff and found an old guitar. The make is Kimbara and its an acoustic/electric guitar. the label in the hole in the middle says " specially made for FCN-ENGLAND, model no. 3/J made in korea" which after some research indicates that it was made in the late 1980's. I just want an indication of how much this thing is worth, as i cant seem to find another like it :)

Animals compared to people?

What are similar animal and human personalities? E.g. Lions-stick together hyenas-laugh at others Especially in high school - the cliques and stuff

I was just wondering what are my chances of getting into army Civil Affairs?

I am an E-5 I have been in 5 years been deployed 27 months total to afghanistan with an airborne unit. my NCOers are both 1 of 1 4 excellent and 3 excellent I made the commandants list on my 1059, i also got a 2 of 2 on my DLPT but only a 79 on the DLAB do any of you guys know if this is good enought im still putting in my package just looking for some knowledgeable people out there and my GT is 115

101st Air Assault (Army) vs 82nd Airborne (Army) vs The Marine Corps?

I know verses is the wrong word because they are all parts of the same military but i want to know who has the most training. Who is more elite and who has the better equipment. Which is harder to get into. Im 16 and i want to join the armed services after college. Any information comparing or contrasting these groups is greatly appreciated.

What should I make my boyfriend for our one-year anniversary of being together?

In a little less than a month, it'll be a year since my boyfriend and I started dating. I always make him cute things but I want to make something that's extra special and that a boy would love. I'm not sure what to make, I've already drawn portraits and cute pictures for him and even wrote a song for him with lyrics, piano, and acoustic guitar. I have a low budget and I can't find a job, considering it's hard when I'm only a teenager. Any suggestions?

Help Stringing Guitar?

You have too many strings! I think you must have bought a 12 string set. The package has a reference chart for which string is which. The low E is a 56, the A string is a 47, the D string is probably the 35, the G string is the wound 27, the B string is the plain 17 and the high E string is the plain 13. This is an awfully heavy set of strings. If you are not used to it than you might wish to go with a medium or medium light set.

Help Stringing Guitar?

You have too many strings! I think you must have bought a 12 string set. The package has a reference chart for which string is which. The low E is a 56, the A string is a 47, the D string is probably the 35, the G string is the wound 27, the B string is the plain 17 and the high E string is the plain 13. This is an awfully heavy set of strings. If you are not used to it than you might wish to go with a medium or medium light set.

Most alpha male jungle cat/feral dog?

I would have to say Wolves, followed by Lions. Wolves and lions both live in groups that have a social hierarchy with one dominant "leader" male. Tigers, jaguars, hyenas etc all live solitary/alone, but will show "alpha male" qualities when mating or fighting over territory.

Please recommend some new music to me?

Right now my favorite artists are the Beatles, Spoon, Beck, Queen, and The Walkmen, but I'm open to electronic/dance music as well. I like stuff with that's almost cluttered with instrumentation, however simple acoustic stuff also works. Mainstream and obscure are both fair game.

Gee, I wonder what this means?

Why the heck did you palpitate the communism? Couldn't you have just rendered the cherry flavored soldering iron unconscious? There's no sense in dragging the guilt meter full of piss down the road of 24 karat laughing gas. I mean, go get the lonely stoner and stamp out the flowers of doom inside the burnt Jamaican. Heck, just let the beer graduate from high school. There's no sense in charming the grandfather snakes because the rattle clocks will masturbate with a rubber hyena.

I'd like to induce my period, please?

there is a drink called Malta. it's a malt beverage. like soda. if you boil the malta and drink it. it will make u have ur period. back in the day, i know its gross, but women use to drink the boiled malta to have abortions, because it brought down periods. but don't do this. because what if ya are pregnant.

What are my chances of being a 68 whiskey in army airborne?

I am looking to join the army and want to be a medic but i don't want to have the chance to be stuck in a hospital cleaning bed pans. what are the qualifications and what chance do i have of getting into airborne school. is this the best option if you want tot be a line medic?

What should i have done in these situations?

comming out to people and them asking them to hangout is very misleading, you might wanna consider a new tactic.

"Video card you are running is not supported." ?

I've been trying for an hour looking up and downloading the minimum system requirements for Medal of Honor: Airborne and nothing seems to be working. I still keep getting the same message. Any suggestions??!!

'indie' music thats only acoustic and vocals?

hey, does anyone know any songs that are indie style and the only instrument is an acoustic guitar? similar to sayde price. something mellow that i can play on my guitar and sing along to?

Do hyena mock penises serve a purpose?

Yes. The pseudopenis funtions as a way for the female hyena to avoid being mated by males she does not deem worthy. In addition, it makes scentmarking easier

I am debating on joining the Navy or the Airforce.?

Navy cause they're bad***es! Or Army if you can't swim really well. You need to be a great swimmer to get pass selection if you want to join the navy.

What are some websites that can teach me how to play acoustic guitar?

Ok so i want a website were it can teach me how to play the chords,tabs and songs. I'm beginner so i need a website and please don't say youtube thank you.

What is a good career choice in the military?

im a 17 yr old male and looking to join the military in a couple months. i feel like i have a calling to join the airborne infantry, but i want to know what are my other options? What would put me ahead in the civilian world when i come out? Also i would like to attend college while in the military. I would appreciate any advice from past/present service members and anyone else! Thanks.

Jungle sounds at Detroit airport?

I was at the McNamara terminal today and every few minutes for about 30 seconds these noises would come on, annoying monkey and hyena and bird noises, can anyone explain what the heck this is?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

What is it like when you come home from basic training and AIT? Do you see the world differently?

I wouldn't worry about it. I joined the Navy straight out of high school. I enjoyed hanging out with my friends when I was home on leave. I found that I was more "popular" when I was home. My friends were doing the same thing we did in high school. They were excited to hear about all the places I had been and the things that I got to do. Depending on what your job is in the Army, you will probably enjoy the break from the stress.

What are some recent, sad songs?

Songs kind of along the lines of "Savin' Me" by Nickelback, and "If Everyone Cared" by Nickelback. Preferably not about love, if you can avoid it, and recent. I'm not too fond of the whole retro-sad-song thing. Hmm... what else. Any genre would be alright, as long as it's not some desperately whiney girl with an acoustic background and no concrete tune. That bothers me. Oh and no irritating country songs where their hick accent is so bad that it's difficult to understand them. Thanks!

AF Airborne Battle Management Systems?

Alright, so i failed depth perception at MEPS, but this job was on my list. I put it as my number one, what is the chance i get it? I put Integrated Avionics Systems (Heavy) as my second choice. Can anyone tell me the chance of getting these and what these jobs are like? I was on but i wanted to get first hand knowledge. Thank you

Internet in fobs ? yes no ?

I am about to deploy to Afghanistan. I'm active army. Airborne 11 charlie. My question is do most fobs have internet access ? I'd like to keep in touch with my family when I can. I understand that I won't be able to all the time, but I'd also like to get started on my degree while I'm there. Now Ik that I might go a farely small operating base. Does that matter when it comes to internet access ? Any info would really be appreciated. Thanks

Can I add additional cover on a new Amana condenser unit (outdoor) that seems to have inadequate cover?

All modern condensing units are designed and engineered to withstand the elements in a normal outdoor environment. There is no need for an additional cover. If it makes you feel better, you can have a canvas cover made to protect your unit during off times. All condensing units require yearly maintenance which would include the removal of dirt and debris. In most cases this can be accomplished by either yourself or a AC tech, The parts that you are able to see while looking down into the unit are weather resistant.

What was the video showed on Tosh.0 and where can i find it? 10 pts!!?

The show was aired on March 3rd of 2011 and was the one where the kid had Yankee candles and he got interviewed. Anyways the clip im trying to find was the one right after tosh showed the hyenas eating out the elephants b hole.. and the audience only could see it.. i cant find it anywhere..

Would anyone like to collaborate in a song... musically and lyrically?

I am 16 and would like to collaborate on pop,r&b, or acoustic song. Would love to collaborate from the writing to the recording of the song. Email me at

Do hyenas eat meerkats?

Hyenas are meat eaters. They are skilled at hunting, but will also eat scavenged food. A pack of hyenas will chase an adult lion away from its kill. Look here for more information: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I want to buy an acoustic guitar for my boyfriend.?

Visit your local music store and check out the Alvarez and Ibanez brands of acoustics. They are good beginner and intermediate guitars.

Can somebody suggest me how to lower down airborne noise I'm hearing inside my room?

I've been hearing some airborne noise from inside my room, specially at night during my time of sleep....We lived on a forest nearby hearing birds, frogs and many more...

String Winding Technique?

I've seen a number of videos on how to string and wind an acoustic guitar and I am wondering which is the best an most correct way. When i do it the strings end up looking bent and messed up around the tuning pegs. What is a neater way to wind them?

What are my chances of getting into the 82nd Airborne.?

Dude the Army works in dumb *** ways seriously lol it all depends if you pass jump school the chances of you going to a jump unit increase but are not guaranteed, Im going to the 101st wich is Air Assault and i never done Air assault ever but hey Its my chance right! Good luck Bud!

What happened to all the good shows?

Seriously, what happened to all the good Nick shows? Even Disney used to have decent movies like airborne on. Seems like anymore all the shows are about high school kids that believe in magic and unicorns. Another good show was Are You Afraid of the Dark. I mean seriously, So Random sucks, Hannah Montana is pretty overrated, I miss all the good shows that involved at least a half interesting plot.

My Magic the gathering deck?

It has NO theme whatsoever. Most of the cards don't work with eachother and some are just horrible and unplayable. You need to have a deck with all 3 ofs and 4 ofs instead of 1 ofs like you have.

How to get rid of sore throat!! pleaseee?

my sister once had sore throat she couldnt take it anymore so she went on the roof and screamed as loud as she can. the next thing you know she is better than ever. Next day the doctor said her screaming threw out all the viruses in her throat and her throat is all better now. i suggest you scream for about 6 minutes take a breath if you need to.

Please explain why domestic dogs shouldn't eat bones?

Cooked bones are bad they splinter horribly and can hurt the dogs stomach. But I would get raw beef knuckle bones from a butcher shop and give it to my rottweiler and jack russells and it never hurt them once, in fact it actually cleaned there teeth and kept them entertained for a long time.

During quiet moments do you start to laugh?

dude, I'm the same way with funerals. ITS SO WEIRD, but the silence gets to me. Then I develop this temptation about laughing, when I shouldn't. like that drive you get from breaking the rules, only it's laughter. and you cover your mouth and shiled your facial expressions from the public, which just makes it worse. cuz you're much more tempted to laugh!

Life in afghanistan ? whats it like ?

I am 21 yrs old. At my first unit. I graduated airborne school rit after osut. N now I'm about to deploy to Afghanistan and was wondering what a typical day is like for an infantry soldier. Is there a lot of down time ? What do you do in your downtime ? I am a mortarman to be specific what do they normally do ? Time for online school ? That's prob my biggest concern outside of my mission. Speaking of missions about how long are those normally ? Any knowledge or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank u