Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why are women more attracted to celebrities?

I don't understand why women are attracted to celebrities more then other people. I've seen girls attracted to some not so attractive celebrities who wont even look at guys that are way better looking than the celebrities. Are girls just wired to always want something they can't have? Do they want to be with these guys just because they can't? My girlfriend and I are 18 and just like every other teenage girl, she's got this crush on Taylor Lautner. Not that she doesn't love me, but she always says how "sexy" he is. I'm U.S. Army Airborne Infantry so I'm on a daily workout schedule and have a way better body than Taylor Lautner and have more features that she likes in a guy then he does. I have a feeling that had he asked her out when I did and I had to choose, despite me being the better choice she would have chose him. Or would she not have because she had the opportunity? I know this isn't unique to my girlfriend because I see it in just about every girl I know and meet. Women are so attracted to celebrities that they pretty much worship them. I don't understand why. I know so many women that go out of their way to know everything that is going on with celebrities, but wont turn on the News and watch things that are affecting the world and their lives. They can tell me a biography of any celebrity that comes to mind, but they can't tell me how they feel about our National debt or Obamas pollicies, but they can tell me what his wife was wearing and where she ate today. Why do girls think even the most boring celebrities lives are more important and interesting then our own? I don't understand and maybe y'all can help me?

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