Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How did Spotted Hyenas get such a bad stereotype?

I know people see them as cowardly scavengers but lions actually scavenge off of them more than they scavenge off of lions so how did people get that idea about them. I also know it has something to do with the way they kill, like how lions kill with mostly (not alwyas) swift bite to the neck where as hyenas kill by eating their prey alive. I know African Wild Dogs suffered the same stereotype as hyenas in the past and they were persecuted for it until they became endangered so how come spotted hyenas aren't endangered? Where they not persecuted some how? About everyone I ask hates hyenas or just isn't fond of them. I myself think their pretty cool and deserve a better reputation. The only reason I don't admire them as much as I would other predators is because of thier whole masculine females thing (I find that really, really weird and never get used to it)

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